September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Beautiful and dangerous: rabbit fish conquers the Greek seas

According to local fishermen, schools of dangerous rabbit fish filled the sea in Rhodes.

Local old-timers say that in the sea, towards Lindos, the waters are teeming with specific fish, which, under certain conditions, can become dangerous for humans, writes

But only a few days have passed since a fisherman on Kalymnos caught the largest “rabbit” (λαγοκέφαλος) ever caught in the area, weighing over 6 kilograms.

Rabbit fish is a terrible and dangerous fish, the meat of which cannot be eaten, because it is particularly toxic – it contains tetradotoxin. This can cause respiratory distress, circulatory failure, muscle paralysis, and even death.

When huddled in flocks or in large numbers in a sea area, it will not hesitate to attack even swimmers or those who dive or snorkel.

Her teeth are very sharp and cut like a razor, and the bite is called a “vice”. He can cut an aluminum soda can like paper.

This species of fish (λαγοκέφαλος), which lives in the Indian Ocean, is believed to have entered the Mediterranean through the Suez Canal and the Red Sea. For the ecosystem, this is a disastrous danger, because Predator massively destroys other types of fish.

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