May 6, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Greece: last tranche of IMF debt paid

Greece has repaid its debt to the International Monetary Fund, Christos Staikouras said.

Greek Finance Minister Christos Staikouras, released yesterday, announced the full repayment of the debt to the IMF:

Greece today completed the repayment of debt to the International Monetary Fund. This redemption is known to have been started, continued and completed by the government [правящей партии] “New Democracy”.

Thus closes the story that began in May 2010, when Greece applied for financial support from the IMF. This, the minister emphasizes, is a very positive development as a result of the effective economic policies pursued by the current government, which, as the European Stability Mechanism states, “sends a positive signal to the markets about the country’s financial situation, strengthens the profile of public debt and provides savings to the state budget in the amount of €230 million on the good of Greek society.” Stykuras says:

“The authorities, fully aware of the great difficulties and new external challenges, with responsibility, determination and confidence in the economic and social forces of the country, will continue to make Greece stronger in all respects, with a more productive, open and socially more just economy.”

The amount of the last tranche was not disclosed. In March last year, Greece paid €3.3 billion of debt to the IMF ahead of schedule, which it had to pay by December 2, 2022. At that time, 6 billion euros, out of a total of about 8.8 billion euros received in the form of loans from the IMF until the summer of 2019, had been paid, i.e. about 75% of the total.

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