September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Mitsotakis: there will be no lockdown

“We won’t have a lockdown,” Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis reiterated to parliamentarians shortly after welcoming a meeting hosted by the Parliamentary Social Affairs Committee on “Managing Chronic Disease and Promoting Screening After the COVID-19 Pandemic.”

“This is the approach of all countries that are currently being tested by a pandemic. We are not the only ones facing the fourth wave, ”said Mr. Mitsotakis and noted:

It is important not just to see the number of cases. It is increasing and there is a tendency to increase even more, this is not disputed, but at the same time we are the European champions in tests. So what worries us most is positivity, not the sheer number of cases.

Regarding the observed increase in the number of cases, he said:

“Yes, we have a high burden on the national health system, and the most difficult situation is in Northern Greece, although it has nothing to do with what we saw last November. We are much better prepared this time. But since we have a vaccine, this is a political choice of the authorities to avoid being isolated. “

Referring to the issue of sending text messages to citizens, he said:

“We use every means at our disposal, including personalized communication, to encourage citizens to do the right thing.”

Finally, when asked about the problem of the possible proliferation of tests on vaccinated people, Mr. Mitsotakis said:

“What do we know? We know that vaccinated people become infected much less often and more difficult. Thus, our main problem is testing the unvaccinated. In addition, experts will tell us how we will conduct testing of vaccinated people. But this is not a critical parameter at the moment, at the stage at which we are. ”

Based on ΑΠΕ-ΜΠΕ

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