September 20, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

A driver’s license will be issued from the age of 17

A new bill from the Ministry of Transport, which was presented at noon on Wednesday 13 October by Minister Kostas Karamanlis, is making radical changes to the process of obtaining a driver’s license.

This bill, dubbed Safe Driving, will also allow young drivers from 17 years of age to get behind the wheel not only for practical training, but also on the road after graduation. True, with one important condition – the presence of an accompanying person in the vehicle. As for the examination procedure, the driver candidate will have the right to appeal the result.

“In many European countries what we call companion driving is used. “It can be described as a ‘temporary diploma’,” the minister said about a specific amendment.

Accompanying a 17-year-old teenager must be at least 25 years old, have a driver’s license for at least 5 years and have a “clean” diploma, that is, have no disadvantages in the point system.

What will change in the new law – key changes

Establish a new age limit for theoretical and practical training, that is, 17 years, as well as the opportunity for candidates who have reached the age of 17 and completed the minimum number of hours of theoretical training in category B vehicles, to take theoretical exams and practical tests. Determination of the ability to drive a car accompanied by those candidates for drivers who have reached the age of 17 and have successfully passed a practical test. In particular, provision is made for the provision of temporary driving licenses to potential minors until they reach the age of 18. Specific theoretical training for certain categories of driver candidates, such as non-compulsory drivers with special educational needs, recognized as recipients of international protection, deaf and hard of hearing, using specific training materials, including an orientation guide in digital format with audio. images, sketches, real photos, text and videos even in sign language. The content of the theoretical training is being modified and simplified in order to better understand and strengthen the critical thinking of candidate drivers and an understanding of the road safety issues that will be the subject of a relevant decision by the ministry. The theoretical examination questionnaires will be available in languages ​​other than Greek (which will be determined after the issuance of the relevant ministerial decision), in Greek using headphones with sound, and in Greek Sign Language. The control over the conduct of theoretical exams has been tightened to correct the distortions and problems of the existing system, with the definition of identity verification in two stages, while the use of electronic means to enter the examination system is provided, that is, the use of digital credentials with the possibility of identifying subjects through a single portal government controlled. Informing candidates using audiovisual materials about the examination process, prohibiting the use of mobile phones, headphones or any other electronic communication device, or smart device such as an electronic watch, etc., to prohibit the removal of candidates from office for any reason until the theoretical examination and the last candidate, as well as fines imposed in the event of any violation (as determined by the relevant decision of the ministry). Selected candidate for identification and guidance, for which an image is used using a digital photograph of the IRP candidate, taken when the candidate enters the testing center with a camera used only for this purpose, ensuring the safe handling of personal data and adhering to the recommendations of the principle of personal data protection. A special theoretical exam for persons who have not completed compulsory education, people with special educational needs and those who do not speak Greek, using personal headphones, as well as a special theoretical exam for deaf and hard of hearing candidates with a video projection display on a computer screen, including, for example , questions, answers and texts translated into Greek sign language, as well as subtitles. Driver candidates are given the opportunity to take hands-on training courses using new technologies. The driver candidate also has the right to object to the result. …

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