September 26, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

G. Floridis: "13 year old Greek hacker "hacked" codes and penetrated all ministries – the Israelis turned to him"

Justice Minister Georgios Florides spoke during a television interview on Thursday morning (26/9) about how a 13-year-old Greek hacker “hacked” passwords and infiltrated every ministry in the country, raising legitimate concerns about how secure government agencies are!

If the minister disclosed such an event now, who can guarantee that there were no other similar cases with other teenagers or even adults? “geniuses”? Especially at a time when the Mitsotakis government wants to digitize our data and literally our entire being, what guarantee do we have that it will not end up in the hands of third parties with which they can harm us? Why should Greek citizens trust a state that wants to impose a digital identity and a personal 12-digit number on them?

Indeed, Florides says that three years later, when the young man was 16, he was approached by the Israelis. We adopted a program that involved children who had previously committed offenses and received correctional measures, they took it upon themselves to be mentors to children who were now delinquents.

There was a 13 year old hacker who “broke” all cybersecurity systems of ministries. And since he didn't know what he was doing, he told the ministries that he had cracked their code. They caught this guy and now he's a mentor. He accidentally encountered good judges who saw that he was a genius and gave him the opportunity to develop. At the age of 16, the Israelis came to take him into their company. But he couldn't go because he was underage. Now he works for a large company in Greece.” said the minister.

From the author: Most likely it’s not the genius of the young hacker, but the disgusting data protection system in Greece.

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