September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Coffee and driving? €100 fine and license suspension, say Greek police

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There has been a lot of talk in the last two days about the possibility of people being caught on the streets of Greece drinking coffee while driving a car. I don't even remember how this controversial issue arose, but on Monday afternoon the Greek police did posted a video with the title “Only hands on the wheel”.

Fine 100 euros And 30-day driving license suspension threatens those who are caught by the police with one hand on the steering wheel and the other holding a glass of the Greeks' favorite drink.

Speaking to Mega TV on Monday morning about the issue, police spokesperson Constantia Dimoglidou clarified what exactly happens if motorists drink coffee in their cars and to what extent they face a fine.

The press secretary reminded that this is an old provision in the Road Traffic Regulations, and therefore there is nothing new in it: “The traffic rules state that a driver should not use his hands for anything else while driving. His hands should be on the steering wheel and his attention, naturally, on the road. Anything that distracts his attention – be it a mobile phone or something else, be it coffee or something else – is a violation of the rules,” – she emphasized.

“This is not a new position, but if someone is driving a car and constantly holding a glass of coffee in one hand, then it is implied that he is not able to cope with the control and react to something extraordinary.”she added.

It is noted that in Part Two (2) of Article 13 of the Road Traffic Code, drivers of vehicles are required to have complete freedom of movement so that they can perform the necessary maneuvers in any situation. The administrative fine is 100 euros plus suspension of the driver's license for 30 days.

However, when asked by Mega TV journalists, “If a driver takes a sip of coffee, he will be asked to pay a fine of 100 euros?“, a police spokeswoman responded: “I don't think anyone has ever received such a fine. It's an exaggeration.”


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P.S. What about motorcyclists who hold a glass of coffee in one hand, press their phone with their shoulder, and hold a cigarette and the steering wheel of their “Rossinante” in the other hand? There is nothing said about them in this law? But there are such knights without fear and reproach on the roads of Greece every third. And I have not seen them fined…

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