September 19, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Salamina: Potential rapist arrested 15 times already

The potential rapist of a 20-year-old girl in Salamis has a difficult criminal past: in his past Arrested 15 timeshe went to prison for drugs and theft, and was even hospitalized in a psychiatric clinic, however, each time he was released after a short time.

The media notes that in October 2023, he was arrested for attempted rape and sexual assault of two minors in Salamis. However, after so many arrests and convictions, he is still walking free! Something is obviously wrong with the country's judicial system.

There is, of course, another problem here, because the man who saved the girl and caught the potential rapist said that the police car arrived at the rape call in 1 hour and 10 minutes! The policeman justified himself: ““What should I do, man, fly?” And indeed, if this was the only patrol car available on the island at the time, what was a man to do? Those who lived on the island of Salamis know how things are there.

Rhetorical question: why does every deputy, politician (including many former ones) need to have a large security detail of police officers “protecting” him 24 hours a day, given that there is a catastrophic shortage of police officers on the streets?

It is impossible to justify the fact that on the island of Salamis, where 100,000 people live in winter and 300,000-400,000 in summer, including tourists and holidaymakers, there are so few police officers.

Law and order cannot be maintained with just one patrol car. Not to mention that there is not even a hospital on the island (which is also very important, since Koulouri is actually a large city (by Greek standards) with 50,000 inhabitants, even if not all of them are registered in the municipal register). In fact, this island – suburb of Athensand yet it reminds us of… “The Wild West”.

“This man is a pervert because the police already caught him in Salamis a year ago. He was arrested for sexually assaulting minors on a bus. At that time, he had already been prosecuted and had other cases – for drugs and theft,” Georgios Kalliakmanis, Honorary President of the South Attica Police Union, told MEGA. “He didn't have a knife, but he committed the crime. He's not just a pervert who sits and watches. This man came there to rape, so when the girl went into the sea to save herself, he went there too. “The aggression has reached the stage of sexual crimes,” says G. Kaliakmanis.

The arrest of a potential criminal on Salamis could be followed by the arrest of a 35-year-old man who saved a 20-year-old girl from rape. In particular, as Special Police Analyst Stavros Balaskas said“the law gives Greek citizens the right to make arrests in cases of serious crimes. So that people can hear it. Greek law provides that when a Greek citizen sees a crime before him, if he is able and does not endanger himself or others, he can arrest the person who committed it.”

He also added: “We have a man, if he saved my daughter, I would bow down at his feet and kiss them. At the same time With“Amosud is not good, and it is a criminal offense.”

“This is an attempted rape. We cannot know how a sick mind will develop. I heard that this man was hospitalized in a psychiatric clinic. Who knows where this could lead? – asks lawyer Evita Varela. – We don't see an attack on the victim, we see the alleged perpetrator sitting on the beach. Now her rescuer is taking action to protect himself from prosecution for saving a man.”.

Author's note: The country's authorities, having monopolized right to violenceunder the pretext that they guarantee the safety of citizensprohibited these same citizens from showing violence against criminals (thieves, rapists, robbers, etc.) And that's right. However, this obligation has another side, a guarantee of safety. And what about the fact that the government does not fulfill the obligations it has assumed? After all, this is a direct violation of the most important – social contract between the country's government and its people. And this means that the people must demand abolition of the monopoly on violence – the right to self-defense.

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