September 20, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Monkeypox: Five vaccination centres open for non-existent epidemic

BigFarm terrorists and officials bribed by them are wasting no time in exploiting the increasing incidence of “monkey pox” (or MPOX) and presenting it as a new epidemic.

What should the world community expect if “epidemic“Will the narrative translate into political decisions? Unsafe vaccines, dangerous treatments, unknown side effects – all this on the altar of profit for an elite protected by absolutist coercive measures and illegal accelerated procedures at all levels. At the same time, concern about this issue is an ideal “smokescreen” for much more pressing problems, such as the war in Ukraine and the tense geopolitical situation in the Middle East.

The Greek “frontrunners” from EODY clearly rushed to take their “place in the sun” in this matter, as always fully agreeing with the agenda EU and the USA. In particular, EODY announced that in the next few months, they will open Five new vaccination centers in the following cities: Thessaloniki, Alexandroupoli, Crete, Patras and Athens. It should be noted that these vaccination centres are of no use, as vaccines are already available for those who have reasons for doing so at Attikon and Andreas Syngros hospitals.

It will be interesting to see how Western governments will be able to use this… “epidemic” for their political interests in the coming period.

However, EODY has already issued recommendations for those planning to travel to countries where outbreaks have been recorded. In particular, it is recommended to take increased precautions, i.e. avoid contact with:

a) potentially infected people, especially those with skin lesions,

b) wild animals (live or dead), such as small mammals, including rodents (rats, squirrels) and primates (monkeys, marmosets),

c) contaminated surfaces and objects used by patients (clothing, bedding, etc.) or that have been in contact with wild animals.

Additionally, while traveling, avoid eating or preparing wild game, using products (creams, lotions, powders) derived from wild animals, and seek immediate medical attention if you develop an unexplained skin rash (lesions on any part of the body), with or without fever and chills.

If symptoms appear after returning from travel, you should tell your doctor or health care professional about your trip within 21 days before the symptoms appeared. In addition to travelers, the same recommendations apply to workers in these countries and seafarers whose ships call at ports in the affected countries.

Let us recall that the World Health Organization (WHO) announced smallpox outbreak a public health emergency in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and neighbouring countries, provocative «international concern” Subsequently, following the WHO warning, ECDC raised the alert level and asked countries to maintain a high level of awareness for travellers arriving from areas affected by the virus.

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