September 20, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

One step away from tragedy in the Ionian Sea

A collision between a yacht and a ship carrying tourists between Fiskardo Kefalonia and Ithaca was avoided literally at the last moment.

The luxury yacht and the tourist boat came dangerously close to each other, and a collision seemed inevitable. However, neither the yacht's captain changed course, nor did the Nidristar1 slow down. The passengers watched in horror.

Eventually, the yacht passed the stern of the tourist liner with 400 passengers on board and continued on its way. Passenger Nidristar1 describes this incident is like this:

“Despite the fact that we had priority, the yacht did not change course, and our own captain, instead of changing course or reducing speed, continued to sail ahead without a care. He was carrying hundreds of passengers! The ships passed each other seconds before the tragedy.”

Both ships were heading in the same direction on the morning of August 8, and neither turned “back” to make way for the other. Shocked passengers watched as their ship's captain maneuvered to avoid the worst at the last moment. Watch the shocking video at the link.

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