June 29, 2024

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Who will occupy key positions in the EU (video)

An agreement has been reached in negotiations between the main political forces of the European Union.

Senior positions in EU Von der Leyen, Costa and Callas will occupy. How writes euronews, Ursula von der Leyen will remain head of the European Commission for a second term.

The post of High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, according to the agreements, will go to the current Prime Minister of Estonia, Kaja Kallas. Currently, the position of the EU's chief diplomat is held by Josep Borrell.

The new President of the European Council (currently Charles Michel) will be former Prime Minister of Portugal António Costa.

The leaders of the six EU countries, acting as negotiators for the main centrist parties, concluded preliminary agreement about the distribution of top posts after the European elections, media reported, citing informed sources.

Despite the announcement of the deal, Candidates for these posts must be officially approved at the EU summitwhich will take place on Thursday, June 27. At the same time, von der Leyen will still need support from the European Parliament. The founding meeting of the new EU legislative body will be held in Strasbourg in mid-July.

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