September 8, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Video: illegal immigrant beat a policeman in the center of Athens

On Sunday morning in central Athens, an illegal immigrant from Cameroon mercilessly beat a policeman as his colleague, who was in the police car, watched in horror as he received punches and kicks.

It all happened on the morning of 23/06, shortly after 8 am, at the intersection of Zakynthos and Kypseli streets in the center of Athens, when a police car from the Kypseli district station was called to the scene to intervene in a “showdown” between illegal immigrants. When a police car arrived at the scene, the illegal immigrants fled. One of the “heroes” was detained by the police.

However, the foreigner of African origin became enraged and began to kick and attack the policeman, after which he collapsed to the ground. The attitude of the second policeman, who, apparently, turned out to be just an outside observer of the beating of his colleague, is surprising. Citizens watched in horror as the incident unfolded before their eyes, filming the incident on video using their mobile phones.

The African was eventually arrested by police, reportedly resisting vigorously even inside the police car, where he banged on the door, causing damage to it (unfortunately not with his own head).

The police officer, who was wounded in the right leg, was taken to the 401 hospital and discharged after the necessary examinations. A case has been opened against the arrested Cameroonian citizen on charges of resisting authorities, causing bodily harm and disturbing the peace.

It is clear that the Greek police have lost the war to control the streets of Athens, and they seem to be losing more battles to restore order every day. The center of Athens is gradually turning into a ghetto inhabited by illegal immigrants and marginalized people, where going out into the street at night turns into a lottery.

The responsibility of Michalis Chrysochoidis, whose only concern is creating his personal profile, is enormous, and perhaps retirement is a one-way street before it is too late.

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