July 4, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Sensational statement: Ukraine may take part in the Chinese peace summit with the participation of Russia

Ekaterina Zelenko, the Ukrainian Ambassador to Singapore, said in an interview with the South China Morning Post that Ukraine could take part in the Chinese summit with the participation of the Russian Federation.

The peace summit will be initiated by China, and Russia may take part in it. But the negotiations, the ambassador noted, must be based on international law and the principles of the UN Charter.

Ekaterina Zelenko thanked the Asian countries that took part in Peace Summit in Switzerland on June 15-16. She called this event a “success”:

“There is opportunity for deepening cooperation between Ukraine and Southeast Asia. I hope that Southeast Asian countries will take a more active role in cooperation with Ukraine, in particular in post-war reconstruction projects.”

The diplomat emphasized that Kyiv wants to see Beijing as “its friend,” while Ukraine “does not and has never seen China as its enemy.”

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