June 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

ELSTAT: 700 thousand Greeks have nothing to eat. We have "strong" Greece, Mitsotakis government responds

Around 700,000 Greeks faced food insecurity in 2023, in other words they went hungry, according to data ELSTATwhich most scandalously refutes the government's narrative of a “prosperous” Greek economy.

Food shortages due to lack of money and constantly rising food prices have led to the fact that about 700 thousand residents of Greece are below the poverty line and are simply starving.

According to the 2023 survey, 6.5% of the population said they were moderately or severely food insecure, and 1.4% of the population only severely food insecure (according to the global standard food insecurity scale FIES).

In previous years, the rates of moderate or severe food insecurity were 6.6% in 2022, 6.0% in 2021, 6.1% in 2020 and 8.0% in 2019, and the rate of severe food insecurity in 2019-2022 was 1.5%, with the exception of 2020 when it was 1.6%.

It is worth noting that the base income period was 2022. Since then, inflation has risen, as have interest rates. As a result, there are concerns that the next food insecurity figures will worsen.

The related ELSTAT survey also shows that a household is considered to be moderately or severely food insecure if at least one member reported in the 12 months preceding the survey that they had to skip a meal, ate less than they thought they should, or went without food, was hungry but did not eat, went without food all day due to lack of money or other resources.

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