September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Study: How Internet Addiction Affects Teens' Brain Chemistry

Researchers at University College London conducted 12 experiments involving 237 children and adolescents (aged 10–19 years) who were diagnosed with internet addiction between 2013 and 2023.

In these studies, participants underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to see how brain regions interact at rest and also while performing a task. The effects were clear: activity in some lobes of the brain increased, even when the participants were at rest. At the same time it was observed a general decrease in the functional activity of brain areas involved in active thinking (executive control networks).

According to researchers, these changes are associated with addictive behavior and tendencies of adolescents. Impairments were also found in behavior, mental health, development, mental abilities and physical coordination.

Adolescence is a critical stage of development. During it, the body undergoes significant changes. As a result, the brains of minors are especially vulnerable and prone to Internet addiction.“explained Max Chang, lead author of the study and a PhD student at the University of California, Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health (GOS ICH).

The results of our study show that this may lead to potentially negative behavioral and developmental changes that may impact the lives of adolescents. For example, they may have difficulty maintaining relationships and social activities, lie, and have eating and sleeping disorders. – says the expert. – Doctors could potentially prescribe treatments that target specific areas of the brain or offer psychotherapy aimed at addressing the core symptoms of internet addiction.

“Educating parents about this issue is another potential way of prevention. Household heads who are aware of the early signs of Internet addiction will be able to more effectively minimize risk factors,” the researcher concluded.

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