October 5, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Germany for equal distribution of Ukrainian refugees throughout the European Union

The German Interior Ministry “strongly advocates solidarity” and calls for the creation of a pan-European system for the distribution of new refugees from Ukraine.

He spoke about this in interview Welt is a representative of the agency headed by Nancy Feser. According to him, a solution must be found on the issue of distribution of war refugees seeking asylum, in particular on secondary migration from other member countries EU:

“We should look for a regime for uniform distribution of new arrivals from Ukraine throughout the EU.”

In the case of secondary migration, the asylum seeker moves from the country of initial arrival to another, and negotiations are currently underway at the European Union level on further regulation for Ukrainian refugees.

Temporary protection under the Mass Influx Directive expires on March 4, 2025. What exactly further regulation should look like has not yet been decided. Now Ukrainians can freely choose their destination country in the EU. They also have the right to travel. Germany received more than a million people from Ukraine.

According to SPD politician Helge Lind, the EU Commission is considering extending the protection status for another year. All member states were “unanimous” in favor of this. However, it is unclear whether there will be any changes to the current procedure, for example through a new distribution regime. It is important that we “continue to talk with Ukraine on all important issues,” the federal Ministry of Internal Affairs said.

Earlier, Reinhard Sager, president of the German District Association, said that due to persistently high levels of migration, German districts had warned of limited capacity to accept new refugees and had no plans to accept new ones.

In April, the German parliament approved a law on introduction of payment cards for asylum seekers – a system that should limit cash aid payments and make the country less attractive to migrants. Hamburg has become the first German state to introduce payment cards for asylum seekers, which cannot be used online or abroad.

Let us remember that before this, dozens of Romanian citizens were exposed in Germany, who, under the guise of Ukrainian refugees, received money and housing.

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