September 7, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Greece lifts all protective measures against Covid-19

The Greek National Committee for Health Emergencies has decided on the complete lifting of all protective measures against Covid-19. The decision was made at a meeting last Thursday, April 25, and published on April 29, 2024.

Having assessed the epidemiological situation in the country over the recent period, the commission recommended canceling emergency sanitary measures to protect the population from Covid-19. Especially for healthcare structures (hospitals and other institutions in the public and private sectors): if, based on the data, special conditions for taking any measures in each specific case are established, the relevant infectious diseases committee of the hospital is responsible for issuing sanitary regulations.

For elderly care units, hospitals for chronically ill people, closed institutions for people with disabilities and departments of Regional Welfare Centers, the relevant administration, in cooperation with the medical staff of each structure, can begin to take any additional measures after assessing the relevant epidemiological factors.

“However, the need to protect vulnerable groups of the population from Covid-19 remains, and therefore it is recommended to observe personal protective measures, carry out current vaccination and antiviral treatment for those who are sick,” the committee’s message emphasizes.

Coronavirus infections, hospitalizations and intubations have fallen significantly over the past few weeks, with deaths averaging 6 per week.

Apparently, after this decision, numerous commissions and other feeding grounds that have generously grown in Greece in the wake of the fight against Covid-19.

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