July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Psychological assistance in one click: artificial intelligence application – personal life coach on your smartphone

The artificial intelligence app takes care of our mental health and well-being individually by acting as a personal mentor in our mobile phone. And this global innovation has Greek roots.

Over the past fifteen years, we have lived in a volatile and ever-changing environment characterized by economic instability, geopolitical unrest, energy insecurity, extreme weather events and natural disasters. This entire climate of constant change and upheaval translates into uncertainty, which seeps into our DNA and acts cumulatively to weigh on our mental health. The consequences of this “unhealthy climate” are expressed in the disruption of the way we sleep, eat, act, study, and work. We all experience overturbations with varying degrees of intensity.

“We see all this every day in our clinics and psychotherapy centers,” says Antonios Dakanalis, professor and chief researcher of psychiatry and psychotherapy at the University of Milan-Bicocca.

This is evidenced by pan-European studies, as well as data from the World Health Organization and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Developmentaccording to which symptoms of anxiety and depression are now widespread in all countries EUincluding Greece. Moreover, due to the busy daily life and endless responsibilities at work, professional burnout syndrome has spread to all professional fields.

Today one in five people is disadvantaged and suffers. In a company with 1,000 employees or an educational institution with 1,000 students, 200 have symptoms of stress, depression or burnout, conditions that cost the global economy trillions of dollars per year due to lost productivity. Thus, scientists have focused on how to help people who are “lost in the urban jungle” and suffering mentally.

Innovative artificial intelligence application for smartphones presented at the recent Delphi Economic Forum. Using intelligent algorithms and machine learning techniques, these apps detect early symptoms of mental distress and burnout, and provide solutions that promote mental health and well-being, taking into account individual needs and preferences.

This is a true revolution in the way we care for our mental health, making it more accessible and effective, highlighting personalized, holistic and clinically proven wellness solutions.

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