July 26, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Children of a Ukrainian refugee were molested by a pedophile

In Germany, a civil servant was tried for harassment under threat of deportation against Ukrainian children.

How tells BILD edition, the accused 43-year-old official Dennis W. received 8 years in prison. He was found guilty of sexually assaulting boys aged 9 and 11 from Ukraine and producing child pornography.

During the trial, it was established that after the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation, German citizen Dennis V., a married man, invited Ukrainian Yana and her two children to come to Germany through social networks, promising to become their “defender.” He rented them an apartment in his house, convinced neighbors to share furniture, gave them expensive gifts, and invited Yana and the children to spend their leisure time together. But… “he was inflamed with an unhealthy passion” for children.

From March 2022 to April 2023, he molested the boys several times in his car, filming what happened on camera. For example, he asked the children to give him a “massage.” After they refused, the man began threatening deportation. In particular, he wrote threatening emails to his older brother:

“You are no longer welcome here. I have the power to deport you and your family.”

The pedophile demanded that the children not tell anyone, but the boys complained to their mother, and Yana contacted the police. Law enforcement officers who came to search the man discovered an extensive collection of child pornography in his home, including with his own participation. The man generously shared his pornographic recordings with other pedophiles.

Considering, writes The Ukrainian online publication Novosti N stated that at the trial the official admitted most of the charges; the Ukrainian children did not have to testify. What exactly the man did with them was revealed only during the court hearing, but the Ukrainian woman who came to the hearing did not understand German, and it is unknown whether the translator conveyed everything to her correctly.

The lawyer defending the pedophile in court asked to take into account a “mitigating circumstance”: Dennis brought the recordings of child pornography from Thailand, where he used the services of child prostitution and later, after such “tours,” could not control himself. But the court rejected his attempts to “whitewash” his client.

The German received eight years with the need for treatment. The judge said that if the case had been heard in the US, he would have received 20 years: “But we have to comply with German laws.”

This is not the first such case against Dennis. In 2010, the Hamburg media wrote that he was convicted of sex with a 14-year-old teenager, but… got off with a suspended sentence and a fine.

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