July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Australia: A 15-year-old has been arrested for stabbing a bishop in Sydney. Riots and injured police

Australian police announced the arrest of a 15-year-old teenager for attacking a bishop and a clergyman with a knife at a Sydney church during a sermon broadcast on the Internet.

The suspect was given first aid for wounds to his hands – his fingers were said to have been cut off – and taken to safety as the attack sparked outrage among churchgoers, said Andrew Holland, a NSW police officer.

Meanwhile, at least two police officers were hospitalized and vehicles damaged during violent protests following a knife attack at an Assyrian temple in Sydney, police said. At the temple, clashes began with the police, who were trying to save the criminal from lynching.

Officers were hit by people throwing “bottles, bricks and other objects,” Holland said.

The bishop targeted is from Iraq, which was home to a large Assyrian minority dating back to antiquity before the 2015 ISIS massacre.

The attack occurred during a sermon in church The Good Shepherd Church (Good Shepherd) in the Wakeley area, west of Sydney, on Monday afternoon (local time) when the bishop suddenly saw an unknown man with a knife approach him at the altar and stab him several times.


The bishop recently traveled to Gaza, where he met with Palestinian civilians, including children.

This incident occurred a few days after previous attack on the shopping centerwhich resulted in the death of six innocent citizens.

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