July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Wild accident in Serbia: after hitting a 2-year-old child, the monsters threw the body into a garbage dump and drove off (video)

Two-year-old Danka Ilic was hit by a car when she ran onto the road 30 meters from her house. Without thinking twice, two men driving in a car threw the baby into a local garbage dump.

They later moved the dead child to another place, but law enforcement officers and volunteers are trying in vain to find him. Police and gendarmes continue to search.

On Thursday, President Aleksandar Vucic announced at an emergency government meeting that the girl who disappeared on March 26 was dead. Two suspects have been detained. We are talking about two 50-year-old employees of a local water supply company. They admitted to hitting the baby, but the search for the body still yields no results.

Residents of the Serbian town of Bor bring candles, toys and flowers to a spontaneous memorial as the murder of Danka Ilic shocked the country. As the Ministry of Internal Affairs said, the girl’s father met the killers on the road on the day of her disappearance and asked if they had met her. Answering in the negative, they left. And later one of the criminals even joined the search as a “volunteer”.

Serbian media say that Danka Ilic was left unattended on the playground for just a few minutes when the mother went to get water for the baby's brother. After her disappearance, a nationwide alert was declared, during which the authorities activated the “Find Me” (Pronađi me) system for the first time.

A large-scale search lasted ten days, involving hundreds of people, police from neighboring Austria and Interpol. A girl similar to Danka was noticed in Vienna, but it turned out not to be her.

Police cordoned off a landfill five minutes away after suspects pointed it out, but the child's body has not yet been found, Interior Minister Bratislav Gasic said. It seems that two days after the murder, the men who carried out the attack moved him to another place. Now searches are underway in nearby villages.

It is worth noting that every year hundreds of cases of disappearances of people are registered in Serbia, including children who are out of sight of the adults responsible for them.

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