July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

"Golden lamb": lamb prices will reach 14-15 euros per kilogram by Easter

With the clock ticking down to Easter, which falls on May 5 this year, the public's eyes are on the price of lamb as many consumers say they won't buy it if the price rises further.

“Prices will be a little higher this year. Raw materials have become very expensive. There are fewer lambs, it's not like other years.” – say Cretan farmers. And consumers note that even if they buy lamb for the Easter table, they will think about the quantity, reports STAR TV channel.

In regional butcher shops it is already sold for 13-14 euros/kg, and professionals are preparing buyers for the fact that the price will “rise” to 15 euros. “We expect the price to rise to around 14-15 euros, which is not a big deviation from the current price in local stores such as ours. There is a reduction in production, which is starting to be reflected in our tariffs.”– emphasized meat sector professionals in a conversation with ALPHA.

The price of beef tenderloin has increased by 1.50 euros/kg over the past five months, with the final price for the consumer being 13.50 euros/kg (2 years ago it was about 7.5 euros/kg).

Fish (with the exception of small fish such as sardines) has moved into the “luxury” category both in local fish shops and in popular markets, since their prices have increased by an average of 25% in six months. In particular, the price of sea bream “rose” from 8 to 10 euros, kutsomur from 17 to 23 euros, and for a kilogram of fresh squid the consumer will have to pay up to 23 euros, compared to 21 euros 5 months earlier.

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