July 26, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

When will the Easter gift be paid and how is it calculated?

The countdown has begun for the Easter gift, as private sector workers on open-ended or fixed-term contracts who worked between 1 January and 30 April are due to receive it by Holy Wednesday on 1 May.

Additional payments to workers for Easter are calculated as follows: this is half a month's salary for a salary and 15 days' earnings for daily wages.

However, if the labor relationship between the employee and the employer did not last the entire above period or because he voluntarily resigned, he is entitled to receive part of the amount (Δώρο Πάσχα):

  • In the case of an employee – an amount equal to 1/15 of half the monthly salary or daily salary, depending on the agreed payment method, for every 8 calendar days.
  • If someone worked for less than eight days, they are entitled to an appropriate share of the Easter gift.
  • If an employee falls ill during the above period, only the days during which he received sick leave from the insurance company will be deducted.

Example: if an employee was absent from work due to illness for 60 days and received benefits (επίδομα ασθενείας) from the insurance fund only for 40 days, only those 40 days for which he received a subsidy will be deducted from the period of work, and not 60.

The Easter gift is usually paid on Holy Wednesday, this year 1 May, but employers can pay it earlier if they wish.

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