July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Ursula von der Leyen: “We will put Putin in the bench of the International Criminal Court in The Hague”

The content of the speech of the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, who seems to be at odds with the reality and danger of the complete destruction of the planet not from… climate change, propagated “green” and from nuclear weapons, it is worrisome!

Her phrase “We will put Vladimir Putin in the dock at the International Criminal Court in The Hague for war crimes.” shows much more than hatred of the Russian president: She shows ignorance.

It is dangerous not to know what will happen if NATO countries carry out attacks on Russia, but even if theoretically the Ukrainians somehow “magically” gain the upper hand in the military action.

After all, Russia has made it clear that even a simple breakthrough of the defensive lines of the Surovikin Line fortification project, which would jeopardize Russian sovereignty in Crimea, will be met with tactical nuclear weapons.

The same applies to the Russian enclave in Kaliningrad.

Arresting and putting Putin in the dock at the International Criminal Court in The Hague is theoretically more difficult than putting some US presidents like Bush or Obama in the dock, since many in the US want to see them in prison for crimes they committed in Iraq and Afghanistan on behalf of the American people.

The fact is that Brussels does not understand, or pretends not to understand, that in the event of a European military intervention in Ukraine, Europe will be destroyed first, and then the United States.

All “armies” of member countries EU make up 30% of the combat assets of the active Russian army. And Russian nuclear weapons are ten times greater than European, mainly French and British, nuclear weapons.

It is widely known that the contract between von der Leyen and Pfizer has long been the subject of journalistic (and other) investigation. And it is also known that if Ursula von der Leyen resigns from the post of President of the European Commission, this matter will definitely be put into motion.

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