July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

The US Embassy in Russia recommended that American citizens not attend public events in Moscow for 48 hours (added)

The US Embassy warns of possible terrorist attacks in Moscow. The message published on March 7 states:

“The embassy is following reports that extremists are planning to attack major events in Moscow, including concerts.”

How writes Deutsche Welle, diplomatic representation urged its citizens in the country to avoid attending “large gatherings” over the next two days. Other recommendations from the embassy include “follow news in local media” and be “attentive to your surroundings.”

Similar information, with reference to the American embassy, ​​was published by the British Foreign Office.

“There is a high risk of terrorist attack worldwide affecting the interests of the United Kingdom and British citizens, in particular from groups and individuals who view British citizens as targets. You must remain vigilant,” the British Foreign Office said.

The ministry also said that terrorist attacks could be indiscriminate and targeted in popular tourist spots, during seasonal, festive or religious events in public places, areas that are not controlled by security. Therefore, we urged you to avoid such places over the next few days to protect yourself.

After the press release was published, the news section of the Russian-language version of the US Embassy website in Russia became unavailable. The State Department has raised the risk level for travel to Russia to the maximum.

Similar warning The German Foreign Ministry also published on its website. They noted that German citizens and people with dual citizenship (Russian and German) are strongly recommended not to travel to Russia in the near future.

In addition, the website states that on March 8, 2024, the German Embassy in Moscow and the Consulate General of St. Petersburg will be closed.

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