July 26, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Ministry of Culture: quota for Greek music in hotels or fines

This is how the DALL E 3 AI sees this problem

Greek Culture Minister Lina Mendoni is forcing private businesses such as hotels to include a minimum quota of Greek music.

The Minister of Culture of the Conservative government, unexpectedly presenting the bill for public discussion, caused outrage not only in hotelier organizations, but also in society. “The resolutions of the Ministry of Culture are an unpleasant surprise. […] This is state interventionism, which sets us back many years.”the Panhellenic Federation of Hoteliers said in a press release on Monday morning, threatening to use all Greek and European legal means.

Officially, the ministry claims that the forced quota on public performance of musical repertoire is aimed at “preservation and promotion of intangible cultural heritage, protection and development of Greek-language songs, orchestral musical performance of Greek-language songs, as well as the protection and dissemination of the Greek language in the context of the preservation and promotion of intangible cultural heritage.”

A quota of 45% for music broadcasting will be introduced in public areas in hotels (lobbies, elevators, etc.), shopping centers, casinos, vehicles and waiting rooms at airports, ports and train stations…

Provisions of the bill reportedly include extending the advertising time limit for radio stations with foreign language repertoire that will increase the broadcast of songs in Greek (providing an opportunity to increase the amount of advertising by up to 30% if the increase in Greek repertoire exceeds 50%), defining performance standards songs in Greek in public places with music (at least 45% for hotels, shopping centers, casinos and public transport waiting rooms), creation of an online database for songs in Greek and orchestral music by Greek composers.

Operators of music venues must submit a list of performances to the Intellectual Property Organization within the first two weeks of each calendar semester

At the same time, the bill states that Greek audiovisual and cinematographic films financed by the state “must include songs in Greek or an orchestral musical performance of a song in Greek in an amount of at least seventy percent (70%) of the total musical investment in the production or film.”

The draft law currently under discussion would impose fines of between 2,000 and 20,000 euros on violators of the relevant provisions.

Speaking on Skai FM on Monday, Mendoni said: “We are giving an incentive for Greek music to be played more often.” According to unofficial data published by Greek music creators and performers on social networks, the purpose of this provision is to increase the income of the company that charges fees for “intellectual property organization”. The above-mentioned organization spoke positively about the bill, which will benefit Greek composers and lyricists, performers and, in general, songwriters in the Greek language.

However, along with the hoteliers’ federation, the society is also largely opposed to the bill and criticizes it with a lot of ironic comments.


The first promotional video for the Coldplay concert in Athens has been released, after Mendoni passed the new law on a quota for Greek songs!


Metalheads in a hidden bar listen to music, avoiding Mendoni’s law

Others say that “Mendoni will create corresponding listings on Spotify” and some expect the Minister of Culture to extend the measure to other sectors.


“Italian restaurants will be required to serve moussaka once a week, while Chinese restaurants will be required to serve moussaka as a side dish.”

For those who love statistics, I note that the last Minister of Culture before Mendoni, who imposed on hotels what music to play, was Konstantinos Panagiotakis. In 1972 (during the junta. Approx. editors).

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