July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Kremlin: "The Mitsotakis government will answer to its people for the weapons it handed over to the Kyiv regime and for the murder of expatriates"

For the first time, a representative of the Putin government, Maria Zakharova, spoke about the responsibility of the Mitsotakis government to the Greek people themselves. After all, it sent weapons and ammunition to Ukraine as military aid, many of which were used against civilians, including Greek expatriates!

The question arises what kind of “responsibility” it will bear. However, Maria Zakharova made a clear distinction between the Greek government and the Greek people.

Full answer from the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry to my question about possible consultations between Greece and Russia on #S300, Greek weapons sent to #Kiev, and its possible targets in #Donbass, among which, unfortunately, are our compatriots…

“Russia has repeatedly drawn the attention of the Greek government to the issue of the threat to the civilian population, including the Greek community in Donbass (Ukraine), from the supply of weapons systems and ammunition,” said Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova, answering a question from Greek correspondent Thanasis Avgerinos.

“We said that indirect participation in the Ukrainian conflict, that is, sending equipment and military assets to the Kyiv regime, poses a threat to the civilian population. You, of course, understand that these weapons and shells do not ask about nationality and do not ask for identification. They just kill people and that’s the end of it. People of all nationalities. This applies to Donbass, Azov, and other territories where a large Greek community historically lives. Responsibility for this lies with the Greek leadership, which will have to answer to its people.”Zakharova said, claiming that data on these attacks using Western weapons is being recorded, “Of course, and there is no doubt that they are in the Ministry of Defense of our country.”

Answering the question whether consultations were held between the Greek and Russian governments regarding the transfer or non-transfer of S-300 anti-aircraft missiles stationed in Ukraine, Zakharova said that Moscow is recording without exception “all hostile actions, whether it concerns Greece or any other country, and we give a clear response to them, political, diplomatic, military.”

“You know that all the equipment that NATO is carrying, as our military says, we are successfully “grinding” it and will continue to do so. There should be no illusions on this score. In this sense, we have made our choice.”

According to a Russian representative, Moscow “I warned you repeatedly” Athens “on the inadmissibility of violating the Greek-Russian intergovernmental agreement on military-technical cooperation” dated October 30, 1995, “where there are strict obligations not to transfer equipment and military assets acquired within the framework of bilateral military cooperation to third countries without mutual written consent.”

“We will continue to demand from Greece, as well as from all other countries to which Russian weapons systems and technical means were exported, strict compliance with this important bilateral document,” – concluded the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

This is not the first such statement from the Russian Foreign Ministry addressed to Greece. At the beginning of February, Maria Zakharova spoke with an extremely harsh statement:

Moscow on the supply of Greek S-300s to Ukraine: “They give beads and mirrors in return”

“Recently, Washington has intensified its search around the world for remnants of Soviet and Russian weapons for their subsequent transfer to Ukraine… Recently, Greek media reported that the United States is trying to convince Athens to transfer Russian air defense systems and ammunition to Kyiv… They promise Greece, in exchange for outdated combat vehicles, frigates and other weapons, another 200 million dollars, which, according to Greek experts, is not enough to purchase even one Western air defense system.”

Such attention from the Kremlin may mean that Moscow has decided to activate the activities of pro-Russian forces, primarily among the Pontian Greeks, immigrants from the countries of the former USSR, who, for the most part, have a positive attitude towards Russia and Putin.

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