July 26, 2024

Athens News

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A Nigerian receives a monthly allowance of 20 thousand euros in Germany

A native of Nigeria receives more than 20 thousand euros in government payments every month in Germany. He received custody of 24 children, BILD reports.

Authorities contacted Jonathan A., who lives in one of the suburbs of Dortmund, as part of an investigation into clan crime.

“The Nigerian recognized 24 children as his own. But he not only receives child benefits for them, but also other social benefits, as an allegedly poor person. Children also support their mothers, other children and other fathers. They, in turn, also have children from other women, none of whom have German citizenship. But they all have the right to state benefits, because the child is recognized as a German father.”said Dortmund police spokesman Andreas Koeppke.

Siko researchers, having compiled a kind of family tree, came to the conclusion that through 24 children, a total of 94 people received benefits. About one and a half million euros a year were spent on them from the state budget.

“We are talking not only about child benefits, but also about payments for rent and heating, additional payments and benefits, which quickly add up to large sums. And this is just the tip of the iceberg in the Jonathan A. case, as data protection and tax secrecy prevented us from investigating some of the connections further. That’s not all,” Koeppke said.

BILD was able to contact Jonathan A. through his ex-girlfriend, who also lives with three children on welfare. “I just had a lot of women and, accordingly, a lot of children. But there’s nothing special about it. At least in Nigeria. I can explain this to you. I didn’t do anything wrong, this is my big family.” — said Jonathan A.

According to the authorities, in some months government payments to Jonathan A. reached up to 22,500 euros. The Nigerian himself posts videos on Tiktok with expensive cars and wads of money under the pseudonym mr Cash Money (“Mr. Cash Money”).


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