May 21, 2024

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Who shouldn’t eat spinach?

Leafy greens like spinach have a special place in a healthy diet. Due to its high nutrient content, it is considered one of the healthiest salad bases.

But as with any food, eating too much spinach can have negative health effects. Spinach is a nutrient-rich vegetable, but in some cases, caution is necessary. Some groups of people should avoid eating spinach. Who should not eat spinach:

  • People with kidney stones. Spinach contains oxalic acid, which can form kidney stones in predisposed people. If you already have kidney stones, consult your doctor before adding large amounts of spinach to your diet.
  • People with arthritis or gout. Spinach contains purines, which can increase uric acid levels in the blood. This can trigger gout attacks in people with this joint condition or worsen arthritis symptoms.
  • People taking anticoagulants (blood thinning drugs). Spinach rich in vitamin K, which may interact with blood thinners (eg warfarin and acenocoumarol). Spinach counteracts the effects of anticoagulants, so people who have taken many anticoagulants are given vitamin K to prevent the risk of bleeding.

Possible side effects. Spinach is a nutritious leafy green, but eating too much of it can cause some unwanted side effects, such as:

  • Nutrient deficiency. Spinach contains oxalic acid, a natural substance found in plants. When the amount of oxalic acid exceeds normal levels, it can affect the body’s ability to absorb other minerals. Oxalic acid binds with zinc, magnesium and calcium, leading to deficiencies of these important nutrients.
  • Allergy. Spinach also contains histamine, a chemical found in some body cells that can cause a mild allergic reaction.
  • Toxic reaction. Excessive consumption of this green vegetable over a long period can have toxic effects on the body.
  • Stomach problems. Due to its high fiber content, too much spinach can cause bloating, gas, and stomach cramps.

Spinach is considered a “superfood” and has many health benefits. It can help control diabetes, lose weight, protect against various types of cancer, and also helps increase hemoglobin levels in the blood. But It should be consumed in moderation, otherwise problems cannot be avoided. Consult your doctor before adding spinach to your diet.

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