July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

V. Putin: “I don’t think Tucker Carlson will be arrested for interviewing me”

Russian President Vladimir Putin gave an interview to Rossiya 1 TV channel journalist Pavel Zarubin and mentioned the possibility of arresting American journalist Tucker Carlson in the United States for daring to interview him!

Putin, responding to Zarubin’s remark about the alleged possible arrest of Carlson in the United States, said that “it would be nice,” because then “The liberal democratic dictatorship that is prominently represented in America’s ruling class today would show its true colors.”

“In the modern United States, anything is theoretically possible. First of all, it’s good that people listen to me and hear what I say. If for some reason we cannot have a direct dialogue today, we should be grateful to Mr. Carlson for doing this through him, acting as an intermediary,” – he emphasized.

And he continued, answering the question of whether Tucker Carson would be arrested: “Assange is in prison, and almost no one remembers him… Only those who are close to him continue to talk about it. But it’s true, Assange was at least accused of disclosing some state secrets. It would be difficult to pin something like that on Carlson, because he didn’t touch any secrets at all. However, I believe that in today’s America, in today’s United States, anything is theoretically possible.

As for Carlson himself, this would be sad. I don’t envy him, but it was his choice, he knew what he was getting into. But for people all over the planet to realize what the so-called “liberal-democratic” dictatorship represented by the current American ruling class is, this would probably be a good thing….. Then they will show their true essence!”

But at the same time, Putin was not satisfied with the conversation with Carlson and called him a dangerous person – he strictly followed his plan and carried it out. “To be honest, I thought that he would behave aggressively and ask so-called “thorny questions”. I was not only ready for this – I wanted it, because it would give me the opportunity to also answer sharply. But he chose a different tactic” – said the President of the Russian Federation.

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