July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

In Italy they allowed to zig, or "Roman salute in law"

An Italian court has rendered a verdict: the fascist salute “Roman salute” is not contrary to the law of the republic, except in cases where it threatens public order.

Thus, in Italy the fascist salute (ziga) was legalized, reports Radio Liberty. The Supreme Court of Italy clarified that exceptional cases also include the possibility of reviving a fascist party banned in Italy. Italian media report that representatives of Italian opposition parties and leaders of the Jewish community in Italy are outraged by the court decision; they have criticized the ruling and are preparing protests.

Let us remind you that the court ruling was made two weeks after the appearance of a video report about one and a half hundred men lining up in ranks with their hands raised in a fascist salute. The action, as our publication reported, took place in the center of Rome in memory of the murder on January 7, 1978 of two young men, members of a right-wing radical youth group.

It took place in front of the headquarters of the neo-fascist party Italian Social Movement. Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni began her political career in this building. Victor Fadlun, president of the Jewish community of Rome, said at the time:

“The Roman salute is an unacceptable insult, and first of all an insult to the memory of all victims of Nazi fascism. For us Jews of Rome, this gesture is like pouring salt into our wounds, it reminds us of mourning and suffering that is renewed from generation to generation. And it makes no sense to suggest that this could be an appropriate tribute to the fallen.”

No one was arrested in connection with this demonstration, but the police are investigating the circumstances of the action. Meloni did not condemn the action.

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