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Brutal murder in France: a man killed his wife and four young children (video)

A 33-year-old man has been detained in France on charges of murdering his wife and four children, aged from 9 months to 10 years.

The tragedy occurred on Christmas Day, on the night of December 25, in the French town of Meaux. The killer was detained on December 26 in the neighboring department of Seine Saint-Denis, near his father’s house.

On the day of the tragedy, relatives and neighbors called the police – one of the women saw traces of blood on the door handle and on the floor. Law enforcement officers searched for the alleged killer all night until they finally detained him in a neighboring department.

As it turned out, four years ago, in 2019, a man had already stabbed his wife. But then no criminal case was opened; the pregnant woman refused to press charges against him. Since 2017, the accused murderer has been under medical supervision due to depression and mental disorders.

The alleged perpetrator has not yet been questioned, said local prosecutor Jean-Baptiste Bladier. However, he told police he knew “why he was arrested.” He also told police “about his dissatisfaction and depression.” The alleged perpetrator also had an injured arm.

Prosecutor Bladier said authorities found the bodies of the 35-year-old woman and her children, aged nine months, four, seven and ten years, in her apartment in Meaux, near Paris: “There were no signs of forced entry in the apartment and the father was missing.” The police acted on a tip from concerned relatives. Neighbors reported screaming on the ground floor to the police on the night of December 24-25.

The police entered the ground floor apartment through a bedroom window. There they found a “very violent crime scene.” According to police, the mother was lying in the hallway. The children were found dead in their rooms, kitchen and bathroom. The woman and two girls suffered “a very large number of stab wounds,” according to the prosecutor. The two younger boys may have been strangled.

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