July 26, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Statement by hotel owners after the call for a boycott of Arahov

The requirement of the Minister of Labor for bringing the residents of Arachova to collective responsibility And boycott of Arachova as a tourist destination caused outrage among local hoteliers.

The case of abuse of a husky dog ​​named Oliver is turning into a thriller, as the perpetrator has still not been found. However, according to Ms. Kalusa Nafpaktitu, President of the District Organization of Hoteliers and Inns, all residents and business owners in Arachova want the truth about this case to come out

With her statement, Ms. Nafpaktitu responds to messages circulating on social networks urging tourists not to visit Arahovo anymore, as well as accusations that Arahovo residents may know one or more rapists and are covering for them.

The statement details the following:

“In recent days, hate speech from animal welfare groups has been circulating on social media, urging tourists not to visit Arachova because a wonderful little dog named Oliver, who was known to us all and walked the streets and alleys, was tortured to death by one or more people in Arakhov and subsequently ended his life.

This disgusting act has nothing to do with the residents of Arachova and the entrepreneurs who work with tourists! It cannot be that an entire community is being condemned on the Internet, and in some online newspapers, bloggers and even famous journalists are urging everyone not to visit Arachova, because they believe that the residents of Arachova know one or more attackers, and we are covering for them!!!! It goes without saying that if any of the residents knew anything, we would have facilitated his/her immediate arrest. We do not cover crimes against pets!!!

By this logic, you shouldn’t go to Salamis anymore, because there was a murder there! All the residents of Arachova as well as its businessmen are against this incident and we all wish that the criminal/criminals are found immediately and the truth shines out!

With thanks
Kalusa Nafpaktitu
President of the Arachova Hotel Owners Association.”

It is worth adding to the above that the use of “collective responsibility” is an extremely harmful and inhumane practice, often used usually in relation to enemies. And calls for such things from the Minister of Labor Adonis Georgiadis are extremely unethical in relation to the inhabitants of their own country.

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