July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Thessaloniki: Minors who robbed a teacher near a school are in prison

Three juveniles accused of robbing a 54-year-old teacher outside a Cordelio high school of a gold cross chain and wedding ring have been sent to jail after testifying before investigators.

The teenagers, aged 15, 16 and 17, two of them Greek and one Albanian, are accused of robbery and appear to have caused concern to prosecutors in the past. In his testimony, the younger one allegedly stated that he was lured by two others, the older one denied his involvement in the incident, and the 16-year-old partially admitted his guilt. The investigator and the prosecutor unanimously decided to keep them in custody, and until the trial they were placed in a juvenile colony.

According to the case file, the incident occurred on Monday afternoon. The three teenagers first approached the man, a high school vice principal, and three of his colleagues who were outside the school yard. First they asked how long the school break lasted, and after a while, when the man was going to buy cigarettes in a nearby store, they attacked him with their fists and robbed him.

By chance, police officers passed by, helped the teacher get up and gave him first aid. After this, a search began, as a result of which three minors were detained. The 36-year-old uncle of the Albanian was arrested in the same case, as a cross taken from his teacher was found in his possession. He was sent to court on charges of receiving criminal proceeds.

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