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Dublin burns as children are attacked in riots (adds to come)

Buses and cars are burning, numerous clashes with the police, pogroms of shops – this is how Dublin reacts to the injuries of children from an attack on them by a criminal with a knife.

How reports Euronews, Five people were stabbed in an attack near a primary school in the center of the Irish capital at around 2pm yesterday. Three children were injured by a man armed with a knife in central Dublin, Irish media reported. The attacker has been detained. A five-year-old girl and a woman were seriously injured.

Following the incident, riots broke out in several areas of Dublin on the evening of November 23. According to the police, right-wing extremists are behind them. According to the British agency Sky News, the number of participants in the riots, which resulted in clashes between demonstrators and police, numbered several hundred people. Protesters threw bottles and firecrackers at law enforcement officers and set fire to several buses and a police car. A video is being circulated on social media showing the store being attacked.

The Garda Commissioner stated, writes The Irish Times said a “crazed hooligan group driven by far-right ideology” was behind the violence, which included numerous clashes with gardaí.

Summary of major incidents on Thursday 23 November is The Irish Times edition:

  1. In the evening there were violent clashes between large groups of people and police in Dublin, during which cars were set on fire and shops were looted.
  2. All Luas and some bus services have been suspended. There were reports of protesters firing flares and fireworks at Gardaí and at least one police vehicle was set on fire in Parnell Street, while a bus and car were set on fire at the end of O’Connell Bridge in O’Connell Street.
  3. Serious public unrest broke out following a stabbing earlier on Thursday that left five people, including the gunman, hospitalized.
  4. Police Commissioner Drew Harris blamed the riot on a “crazy, hooligan group driven by far-right ideology”, while Justice Minister Helen McIntee called for calm and said a “thuggish and manipulative element” had used the previous incident to “wreak havoc”. She condemned attacks on law enforcement officers.
  5. A five-year-old girl receives emergency treatment at Temple Street Hospital after a stabbing incident.
  6. A boy, 5, and a girl, 6, suffered less serious injuries and were taken to CHI Crumlin for treatment. The boy has now been discharged.
  7. A woman in her 30s was treated for serious injuries at Mater Hospital. According to the Irish Times, she was an employee of a school or after-school care facility that the children attended.
  8. Police are trying to determine if there is any connection between the prime suspect and anyone outside the school or at the scene. The main suspect is believed to be a naturalized Irish citizen who has lived here for 20 years.
  9. Passersby on the street intervened shortly after the stabbing and subdued the suspect and took the knife from him. Police believe the main suspect in the case is a man between 40 and 50 years old, who was also treated for serious injuries. They are not looking for anyone else.
  10. The Garda Commissioner said all possible motives were being considered.

The incident happened near Gaelscoil Coláiste Mhuire in Parnell East Square as children were leaving a school designed for younger children.

Those who took to the streets chanted anti-migrant slogans. To restore order, the police requested reinforcements, a police spokesman said in an interview with RTE. Early in the morning of November 24, the police announced the end of the riots. “Dublin city center is now calm and returning to normalcy,” Chief Superintendent Patrick McMenamin said.

The motive for the crime is unknown, but police initially said they did not consider the incident a terrorist attack. In particular, police spokesman Liam Geraghty said that he understands the public’s concern about what happened, but believes that it was an isolated incident not related to any problems in the city or country.

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