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Food: interesting and strange facts you might not know

Some say that people cannot exist without love, others say that what we need most is oxygen.

But experts are confident that food is the main fuel for human existence. We eat every day, giving ourselves hearty breakfasts, delicious lunches and romantic dinners. But what do we know about this?

Interesting and strange facts about food that you may not know:

  1. The carbonated drink 7-UP gets its name from two places. The “7” is because the original containers contained 7 ounces (about 200g) and the “UP” is because of the direction of the rising bubbles.
  2. Ketchup was created to be used as a medicine, not a food product. The number 57 on a bottle of Heinz ketchup represents the number of varieties of pickles the company once produced.
  3. The first product to use a bar code was Wrigley chewing gum.
  4. The Taiwanese company produces tableware from wheat. This way you can eat your plate.
  5. The average American/Canadian drinks about 600 liters of soft drinks per year.
  6. Chewing gum while peeling onions will help keep your tears at bay.
  7. Smelling bananas or green apples (sniffing, not eating) will help you lose weight.
  8. Lemons float in water, but limes sink.
  9. Green, yellow and red bell peppers are actually the same variety of vegetable, just at different stages of development.
  10. Americans eat an average of 73 hectares (hectares!) of pizza every day.
  11. Cows don’t start producing milk until they become pregnant.
  12. The country that spends the least time on cooking is America.
  13. The only food that does not spoil is honey.
  14. Nutmeg is extremely poisonous when administered intravenously.
  15. Globally, consumers spend more than $7 billion a year on chocolate.
  16. Parmesan cheese contains almost zero lactose.
  17. In the Middle Ages, hot pepper was such an expensive and valuable commodity that it was accepted as payment for loans and taxes.
  18. Ice cream was invented in China.
  19. Cheetos Flamin’ Hot were invented by a janitor who worked at a Frito-Lay plant.
  20. The sandwich was invented by a man named Earl Sandwich. He was an avid poker player and refused to leave the gaming table for food.
  21. The oldest known recipe in the world is a beer recipe.
  22. Of all the popular alcoholic drinks, only red wine is the most likely to cause drowsiness.
  23. The whiskey is actually clear and gets its color from the oak barrels in which it is aged.
  24. Raw oysters remain alive when eaten.
  25. Broccoli contains more protein than steak.

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