July 26, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Mitsotakis: Gaza conflict will not have a serious impact on Greek tourism

Just as the war in Ukraine has had a limited impact on Greece’s tourism sector, which has coped with the loss of visitors from Russia*, the impact of the conflict in the Gaza Strip will be equally limited, Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said on Thursday.

“I believe that our tourism is sustainable, we have laid the foundations for a new tourism product that must be based on quality, sustainability and viability, and especially on the unique experiences we can offer, on our ability to attract visitors who are willing to spend more than their income in Greece,” he added.

“Greek tourism has been extremely resilient. I have to say that after the pandemic, we have seen a global trend that I think will continue – the need for people to travel more. And when choosing between spending money on a product or a travel experience, many choose the latter. I think that this trend continues,” Mitsotakis emphasized, speaking at a conference organized by the Proto Tema newspaper at the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center (SNFCC).

He added that it would be a mistake to use the number of visitors as a measure of the success of the tourism sector, noting that the main goal is the economic footprint of these visitors, in which Greece has made significant progress. He also stressed the importance of remaining competitive and sustainable, making better use of the country’s cultural capital and ensuring accessibility.

PS Before the introduction of sanctions, the Russian Federation sent up to one and a half million tourists to Greece, who, unlike social tourists from Germany or Britain, brought money with them. However, we understand perfectly well that this is a political statement that has little to do with reality.

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