July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

The first Christmas tree was lit in Greece

The first Christmas tree was lit in the village of Taxiarchias in Chalkidiki. The event took place a week ago.

The temperature outside today may not be quite normal for this season, but one way or another, Christmas is approaching. The country’s first Christmas tree, decorated with more than 90,000 lights and a large golden star on top, was decorated and installed in the village’s central square, marking the start of the festive season in Greece. The height of the spruce is 13 meters.

The workers of the Taxiarchis nursery (Chalkidiki) have already rolled up their sleeves and, according to the head of the production association, “We took care of the last details so that this year everything goes smoothly, and the “green beauties” fulfill their role with dignity, bringing joy and happiness into people’s homes.”

Let us remind you that Taxiarchias (Chalkidiki) is a place where Christmas trees are traditionally grown. Moreover, from year to year, the volume of grown products covers not only the needs of Greece, but also other neighboring countries, and is successfully exported.

Last year, Christmas tree markets opened in the country on November 18, as they do every year. The ERT channel’s report shows how enough people gathered in the central square of Taxiarchis to watch the joyful moment – when the Christmas tree is illuminated with bright lights, and to the sounds of the Polygyros Philharmonic Orchestra “the signal for the beginning of the festive season will be given.”

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone!

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