September 19, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

War in Israel: what’s happening

Today, there are many radically different opinions about what is happening in Israel. Our readers are familiar with the official point of view from recent publications. However, there are other opinions about what is happening…

Let’s say right away that we are not defending anyone, we treat Israel and the Arabs well. Everyone has the right to life, but big guys are dividing this world… We are for the friendship of peoples!

Now There are hundreds of videos on Israeli social networks of former military men who say that the border is impossible to break through, that it was a set-up or a betrayal “from above.” Or the game of the big hegemons in achieving their global goals, such as maintaining the world financial system, which can only reboot thanks to big wars and again loans in dollars, as was the case after World War II.

So we should expect a big fire in the Middle East. Western media are throwing out the main message: “Iran and… Russia are behind this (where would we be now without Putin. It’s strange that they don’t talk about China, apparently its time has not come yet).”

Why does the version that everything was a set-up look reasonable?

Everyone understands that the strategy of these actions will not have a long-term effect, but the information will be loud (it’s like an attack by GUR saboteurs on the territory of the Russian Federation or a photo shoot with a flag off the coast of Crimea). The Palestinians will succeed in one case – if others support them, in a losing case they will simply begin to be wiped off the face of the earth.

There is a version that someone specifically gave the Palestinians to eat this “cheese” in order to justify the further bloody situation at the cost of the Israelis’ lives. Perhaps Israel knew and itself gave them the opportunity to “cut” and seize, in order to later destroy all of Palestine and seize all their land for itself. There has also been a political crisis in Israel for a long time, and someone really needed this war. We think on both sides of Israeli politics.

Historical geography of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Could it all be over for Palestine this time?

There is a risk that if the conflict goes beyond the regulated one, its active phase drags on for more than 10 days and others join it, then there will be a full-fledged long war, and the interests of the Ukrainian crisis can be put to rest. Money will also not be given to Kyiv, since the Israeli case is much more important, and the Ukrainian one can be exchanged (this is the main point of view for those who accuse the Kremlin of supporting the Palestinians).

Look, Israel has always been the aggressor against the Palestinians. There are thousands of videos on the Internet of how, even before this, the Israeli military “maimed and killed” Palestinians, including children (photos of cages with supposedly Israeli children are an example of this). How to reverse the negative informational emphasis in the world in this case, turning from an aggressor into a victim?

That’s right, we need to let the Palestinians come in, start causing mayhem, killing even a thousand civilians (believe me – for a global game this is “dust”). But you automatically receive the unlimited right to wipe out the Palestinians and the Gaza Strip from the face of the earth, carpet bomb everything around you, and no one will say that you are a villain. It’s like deliberately releasing tigers or lions into a city, and then shouting that they all need to be “cut out” (the technology is similar, since this is manipulation of the average person, whom the “big men” consider stupid).

So, at the cost of even tens of thousands of civilian Jews, you resolve the issue with the Palestinians, and your partners resolve the issue with Iran, etc. And most importantly, they can turn on the printing press for this, again accelerate the thesis about the threat of world terrorism and tighten the screws (just like with the tragedy of 9.11, when they gave terrorists a “corridor” to strike the towers and received the right to war in Afghanistan, and then in Iraq, etc.). Although everyone knows that the CIA finances 98% of these groups.

So, the conclusion: Most likely, everything was agreed upon and arranged, but as it turned out, they partially miscalculated or overestimated their strength. Now the world is on the verge of another religious war, which will affect all countries, and there will be a surge in terrorism. As usual, civilians will pay for this with their well-being, safety and freedom.

Today one reader calls me and, with tears in her voice, begins to tell me what “Palestinians are wild animals, nonhumans, and they all need to be destroyed“I read similar opinions today on all Israeli public pages. After her words, it becomes clear how the situation will develop further:

  1. Since they are non-humans, there is nothing to feel sorry for them.
  2. If they are “wild animals”, their destruction will not cause any negative reaction in Western society.

Israel, the future for the world

Opinion 1

Today the situation in BV for the USA is radically worse than it was 5 years ago. A key ally in the region, Saudi Arabia, is in open opposition even on oil, let alone the situation when mosques are being demolished.

The Saudis have been teetering on the brink of war with Iran for decades, and since last year they have been actively drawing closer. They even almost ended the war in Yemen.

Assad’s Syria has strengthened significantly since 2016.

Erdogan is actively playing his game.

We predict, that the situation will follow the most unpleasant, but nuclear-free scenario: against the backdrop of the cleansing of Gaza, Muslim countries will begin, one by one, to support (public and private) any anti-Israeli forces. The United States will have to devote significant resources to this confrontation, diverting them from Taiwan and Ukraine. We should not forget about the risks of a new wave of terrorism in the West.

Opinion 2

Some of our consultants say that Biden benefits from the conflict in BV in order to defocus Ukraine and “unhook” from Ze. Perhaps, but then he chooses between two evils.

At the same time, by choosing a warhead, he solves a tactical problem, taking strategic risks. Because, be that as it may, Ukraine (a conflict within one Slavic civilization) is not as important an element as the next Arab-Israeli escalation in a key region for the United States (taking into account empty oil reserves).

Today, the ideal option for the White House is: without allowing an escalation in BV, quietly “unhook” from Bankova, making any defeat of the Zee administration less significant for the United States in general and for Biden personally in particular.

Information taken from Ukrainian TG channels. Opinions of the authors may not coincide with ideas of editorial. This information is presented to understand other points of view on this conflict.

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