July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Silent hours from October 1: fines for violators

The winter “public silence” schedule comes into force today and will last until March 31.

Thus, the usual quiet hours during the winter season are from 15:30 to 17:30 and from 22:00 to 07:30. In their official communications, the police stated that violators of the provisions of this resolution will be held accountable according to the degree of guilt. That’s why citizens can contact the police for confirmation of the violation, as well as file a report against violators. What is prohibited:

  • Work or other activity that creates noise. In exceptional cases of emergency, the postponement of which is impossible, with a special reasoned permit from the head of the relevant police department, work may be allowed to be carried out, especially for public purposes, causing noise.
  • The operation of any musical instrument or radio, tape recorder or TV at high volume, shouting, noisy dancing and any other noisy event in a residential or other private premises.
  • Singing, chanting, using musical instruments, operating radios, tape recorders and televisions on the streets, squares and other public places of residential premises, as well as in public transport.
  • Noisy games in coffee shops, bowling alleys or other community centers, as well as shouting and harsh discussions of visitors to these centers.
  • Noisy arguments at car stops (bus, taxi, etc.), loading or unloading of goods into or out of trucks that create noise, and noisy engine operation.
  • Using sirens or other sound devices or security systems without an emergency reason, as well as testing them.

Violators of the provisions are prosecuted according to the severity of the offense. For this purpose, citizens can contact the police to confirm the violation, as well as to file charges against the violator. It is worth noting that disturbance of silence during the daytime perceived much more serious than similar at night.

Winter public quiet hours begin on October 1 and end on March 31, and summer hours last from April 1 to September 30.

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