July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Catamaran with Russians attacked by sharks

In the Pacific Ocean, the catamaran of the round-the-world expedition Russian Ocean Way with a Russian crew was attacked by sharks. On September 5th, around 23:00, the team gave an SOS signal.

The expedition crew includes Russians Evgeny Kovalevsky, Stanislav Berezkin and Frenchman Vincent Thomas Etienne. After being attacked by sharks, about 835 kilometers southeast of Cairns, they asked for help.

The first time the cookicutter sharks (Brazilian luminous sharks) attacked on September 4, damaging the rear left tank of the catamaran – as a result, it completely submerged. For about a day, the travelers held out and even covered about a hundred miles on a damaged catamaran.

On the evening of September 5, at 23:00, the sharks again attacked the ship and bit through the right balloon. Losing balance, the catamaran began to sink. The crew gave an SOS signal. Yulia Kalyuzhnaya, the head of the onshore headquarters, promptly contacted the Australian rescue service, and 45 minutes later the dry cargo ship Dugong Ace approached the catamaran, en route to Shanghai.

The crew loaded all personal belongings onto the rescue ship, but it was not possible to evacuate the catamaran, since the ship did not have devices for loading it on board. The captain of the rescue ship decided to leave the catamaran in the ocean.

The team is now on a rescue ship that will take them to Brisbane. Yulia Kalyuzhnaya flies to Australia to solve problems of further continuation expeditions.

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