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In strict secrecy contains the time and place of the burial of Yevgeny Prigozhin (video)

According to some Russian media, the funeral will take place today killed in a plane crash in the Tver region of passengers, including the founder of PMC Wagner Evgeny Prigozhin. However, there is no official information on this.

Fontanka’s source says: “Everything is classified. They don’t put us on the course. They are involved on a non-disclosure subscription.”

Presumably, the funeral will take place at the Northern Cemetery in St. Petersburg. Wagnerites are coming there. Meanwhile, the Kremlin officially confirmed on Tuesday that Russian President Vladimir Putin has no plans to attend the mournful event, his spokesman Dmitry Peskov said.

At the Northern Cemetery, where mourners gathered to see off the Wagnerites on their last journey, neither volleys nor an orchestra are heard, the Fontanka correspondent reports. Yevgeny Prigozhin, with the rights of a Hero of Russia (the operatives found an award and a certificate of conferment of the title in his house on June 25 during a search after an attempted military rebellion), should have been buried at the federal military memorial cemetery in Mytishchi, the publication recalls – as prescribed by a decree of the Russian government dated 25 February 2004, No. 105. In accordance with the presidential decree “On the Approval of the General Military Regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation”, the heroes are entitled to special military honors: the anthem of the Russian Federation performed by the orchestra, the march of a platoon of 30 people with the state banner at the end of the funeral, a triple volley of submachine gunners , firework.

However, official information on conferring this title to Yevgeny Prigozhin was not published anywhere, and experts suggest that his funeral may take place in a “special mode”, without publicity.

At noon, a National Guard bus arrived at the Northern Cemetery. However, the date of parting with Yevgeny Prigogine is still not known for certain. Fontanka informedthat, according to some reports, this could happen on Wednesday, August 30, with a preliminary memorial service in Moscow. But the press service of the State Budgetary Institution “Ritual” did not confirm this information to journalists from MSK1.RU: “So far, no information [о дате и месте прощания с Пригожиным] No”.

Meanwhile, writes publication, residents of the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg this morning got stuck in traffic jams – no one is allowed into the “pocket” at the Serafimovsky cemetery, where, perhaps, they will bury Yevgeny Prigozhin and other victims of the crash of a business jet in the Tver region. On the night of August 29, law enforcement agencies were posted at all entrances to the cemetery.

Later it became known that the funeral of “Wagnerian” Valery Chekalov, who died on the plane of PMC curator Yevgeny Prigozhin, began in St. Petersburg. This is reported by the Russian media. This is one of the closest associates of the PMC curator. He is buried in the Northern Cemetery. Journalists are not allowed into the place by the “Wagnerites”, threatening to use force if someone is filming. According to the press, about 100 people gathered at the church where Chekalov’s funeral is taking place.

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