May 3, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Unexpectedly: in the Russian Federation, the works of the classics were removed from the Unified State Examination in Literature "golden age"

Instead of Pushkin, Gogol, Lermontov and other classics, authors of works about the war are included in the program of the unified state examination in literature in Russia. The program has also changed in terms of history.

Innovation 2023/2024 is presented in the USE demo version, which published Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI, Rosobrnadzor).

Following Alexander Pushkin, The Tale of Igor’s Campaign and the works of Alexander Griboedov, Vasily Zhukovsky, Mikhail Derzhavin, Denis Fonvizin, Mikhail Derzhavin also disappeared from the training program. That is, all Russian literature until the middle of the 19th century.

Instead, it is recommended to add poetry and prose from the times of the Great Patriotic War, including Fadeev’s novel The Young Guard, and sections on the literature of the peoples of Russia. As part of the unified state exam in literature, FIPI notes, students will have to demonstrate:

  1. “development of civic position”;
  2. “patriotism”;
  3. “respect for law and order”;
  4. “pride for the present of the multinational people of Russia”;
  5. “acceptance of traditional values”;
  6. “Ideological conviction, readiness to serve and defend the Fatherland.”

The unexpected decision of the FIPI actually means that schoolchildren may not read the classics excluded from the training program at all, outraged Russian teachers note.

The day before, the institute published samples of the history exam for students in grades 9 and 11: this year, in assignments appeared issues related to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

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