July 26, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Marinakis: 79 arrests since the start of the fire season for malicious arson

Government spokesman Pavlos Marinakis insists that an arson scenario is behind the major fires taking place in Greece.

“There is no doubt, the Minister said. We are talking about serious things. The police investigation is ongoing, it will come to a close, and justice will prevail. So far, more than 140 people have been detained and charged, 79 of which relate to arson with intent. All of them require mandatory imprisonment and are serious crimes.The human element seems to have played a very important role.We owe it to the people who died despite the evacuation, we owe it to the people who lost their property and to all those who day and night gives all his strength in this most difficult summer”he said in an interview with MEGA.

In response to a question, Marinakis said that “after Mati, where so many people died so unjustly, very important steps were taken”. The government spokesman emphasized that the 112 system and evacuation plans are not a conquest for granted, as happened in Rhodes with 20,000 people, in Evros with 15,500 and in the Alexandroupoli hospital before the fire came. “Let’s not underestimate him. It was not, but now it is,” he stressed.

Marinakis also noted that this was probably one of the most difficult summer periods with many simultaneous outbreaks. “The Prime Minister has proven that he is not hiding. He is handling many crises that are global. Look at what happened in Maui where 1,000 people went missing and may never be found.”he added.

He also said that when the time comes there will be an assessment that the government is doing its best with more resources and that this unprecedented situation “requires even more speed from us”.

Returning to the topic of arson, a government spokesman said that the authorities are doing their job, they are there and intervene. “The people who commit these crimes are the perpetrators of the worst crimes. It is unthinkable that some people enter into this process. This is a battle that we will all fight together, and we will move forward together. This is not a field for confrontation,” – he said.

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