July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

During the riots in France, an attack was made on the house of the mayor, where his wife and children were

French politicians were outraged by the protesters’ attack on the mayor’s family, his loved ones suffered.

How informs Euronews, the head of the French Association of Mayors called on citizens to come out on Monday to rally in support of the family of the head of a small commune near Paris – his house was attacked last Sunday night. A group of participants in the pogroms first broke down the gate, and then set fire to a car parked in the yard and drove it into the house.

Inside were the mayor’s wife and two small children. Running away from danger and trying to protect them, the woman was injured, and one of the children was also injured. Elisabeth Born, Prime Minister of France, immediately arrived on the scene. She called for a sharp and prompt response to such incidents. Other politicians made no less harsh statements.

On the night from Saturday to Sunday, 700 rioters were detained. Considering that this is significantly less than on Saturday night, the authorities say that the wave of violence is on the decline. The head of the French Ministry of the Interior, Gerald Darmenin, said that decisive actions of law enforcement officers contributed to this – 45,000 gendarmes and policemen were involved.

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