July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Real estate rental: extension until July 31 of filing declarations

The deadline for property owners to declare the expiration of the lease by the end of December 2022 has been extended by one month, until July 31.

According to the decision of AADE Governor George Pitsilis, if the lease of real estate submitted electronically or filed with the IRS “Real Estate Lease Information Report” was terminated before December 31, 2022, then the landlord, based on the new term, will have to declare the date of termination Otherwise, the lease agreement is considered valid.

In particular, the landlord must:

  1. Visit the TAXISnet website with your personal codes and select the “Property Rental Information Statement” υσίας”).
  2. To press “Choice” (“Επιλογή”)where the submission form appears, which he must fill out and mention at the end of the page, there are two options:
    • saveif you want to save the job (the selection does not end the submission.)(αποθήκευση στην περίπτωση που επιθυμείται η αποθήκευση της εργασίας. (Η επιλογή δεν οριστικοποιεί την υποβολή).
    • revision. In this option, the declaration with information about the lease is finalized (submitted) and it is guaranteed that the obligation is fulfilled. (οριστικοποίηση. Με την επιλογή αυτή οριστικοποιείται (υποβάλλεται) η δήλωση πληροφο ριακών στοιχείων μίσθωσης και διασφαλίζεται ότι έχει εκπληρωθεί η υποχρέωση).

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