July 26, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

We work for the tax… 171 days a year

From the beginning of the year until yesterday, June 20, we worked only to pay taxes and annual dues. Residents of Greece have to “plow” for the needs of the state machine 171 out of 365 days a year.

June 21 is Tax Freedom Day, and this year it comes two weeks earlier than in 2022 (which was then celebrated on July 5), and we, accordingly, “worked for the state” 185 days a year.

Data from a study conducted by the Center for the Humanities (Κέντρου Φιλελεύθερων Μελετών) show that the money that taxpayers earn for almost six months of their work goes not to their own needs (and their families), but to the state treasury.

In fact, in 2022 we paid 2 times more taxes and contributions (88.5 billion euros) than they spent on their own basic needs. Households spent 44.1 billion euros on housing, food, clothing, transport and communications (telephones).

Only numbers:

  • The projected 171 working days for workers in 2023 is the lowest tax burden since 2011, when the corresponding figure was 169 days.
  • According to the OECD, satisfaction of Greek citizens during a pandemic (2020) by state services in the education system is the lowest. With regard to satisfaction with services in health system Greece ranks second from the bottom of the list, among 35 countries with developed economies.
  • According to an OECD survey, Satisfaction of Greek citizens with public services during a pandemic is one of the lowest among developed countries. In particular Greek citizens had the lowest rate of satisfaction with public services in the education system (36%) among 35 developed countries.

It is predicted that net national income in 2023 will reach 186.4 billion euros.

Commenting on the results of this year, Nikos Rompapas, Executive Director of the Center for Humanitarian Studies, said: “The significant reduction in tax incentives in our country this year, if, of course, the relevant forecasts are confirmed by the final data, is a step in the right direction, since leads to an increase in the real disposable income of households, encourages investment and job creation. The task now is to continue to reduce the tax burden and at the same time significantly improve the quality of services provided by the state to citizens through the introduction of new technologies.“.

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