September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Making synthetic meat produces 25 times more pollutants than conventional meat

The stories that synthetic meat is created so that innocent animals do not suffer (because they cannot be killed) and at the same time its production is environmentally friendly, according to, turned out to be just a myth.

And while the artificial meat industry is touted as an environmentally friendly and sustainable way of eating, in fact, its goal is to recreate the kind of global control that Monsanto and other companies have achieved through the patented development of GMO seeds (genetically modified organisms), according to authors publications. Researchers at the University of California, Davis (UC Davis) warn that lab-grown meat has significant environmental disadvantages.

Newspaper San Francisco Chronicleciting researchers at the University of California, Davis, warns that lab-grown meat has significant environmental disadvantages that are not considered in discussion or decision making. According to their analysis, production of synthetic meat in laboratoriesproduces in 25 times more CO2 than traditional animal husbandry, which nullifies the basic ideological basis on which the “green” narrative is based.

Mission Barns also claims that no animals are harmed in the meat farming process. All it takes to grow meat, they say, is “a small sample [жировых клеток] from a pig” that is not harmed by the biopsy and continues to live a normal, healthy life.

The question is, where do the harvested cells come from? Cultured or cell-based meat must be grown in nutrient media, and in most cases FBS is still used, which is taken from unborn calves that are cut out of the uterus and bled from them while still alive.

Until now, FBS is considered a by-product of traditional meat production. In contrast, calves are sacrificed every time an accidental pregnant cow is slaughtered for meat. However, if FBS continues to be used in beef farming, it is easy to envision a future in which cows are raised only to supply FBS to the artificial meat industry, which will raise both food waste and animal cruelty to new levels.

Things are very bad for humanity as the extremist international circles that essentially control the planet (at least in the West) want to force people to eat the so-called “synthetic meat” created in the laboratory, and already 90 companies “grow” his.

A development that until now has existed as a perspective only in cinema, but in the end it was a predetermined development that somehow had to be anticipated in order to be more easily accepted by the social strata.

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