September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Experience sensual pleasure by visiting Aphrodite’s Grotto

Hidden from prying eyes, the grotto of Aphrodite is full of inexhaustible energy. The place of “power” is located near Ancient Corinth and is known as the “Baths of Venus” (“Λουτρά της Αφροδίτης”).

The ancient spring, flowing down the slopes of the cave, full of folds and growths, is the most charming and sensual “point” of the baths of Aphrodite in Ancient Corinth, which attract travelers from all over the world. “Baths of Venus” resemble the bosom of the sensual goddess Aphrodite, in connection with which they got their name back in the 19th century.

It should be noted that “Λουτρά της Αφροδίτης” is not only the grotto itself with a waterfall, but also the caves adjacent to it, as well as the former “pleasure garden” of the Kiamil Bey palace laid out near them. They say that girls from the harem of the Ottoman Bey basked in the waters of the spring, languidly oozing from the rocks.

Having visited such a wonderful and special place, there is an irresistible desire to come here again and again. It makes you want to stand under a water curtain, plunge into the energy of an ancient source, get enough of the coolness and mentally transport yourself to the distant past of Ancient Hellas.

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