July 27, 2024

Athens News

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The Times: Ex-Prime Minister of Britain called himself the “Fuhrer”

Boris Johnson, the former Prime Minister of Great Britain, often insulted his subordinates and called himself “the Fuhrer”.

About it writes edition of The Times, citing an excerpt from the book by Anthony Seldon and Raymond Newell “Johnson in Downing Street. History from within” and quoting the authors, who, in turn, quote the ex-premier:

“I have to keep everything under control. I am the Fuhrer. I am the king who makes the decisions.”

According to Newell and Seldon, Boris Johnson used foul language against critics within the Conservative Party and spoke harshly of former Sunday Times editor Emma Tucker.

In May last year, photos of the British politician from one of the “covid” parties appeared on the network, in which Johnson drinks with his assistants. The cadres outraged the public and again put his political career in jeopardy.

“Patigate” is a scandal that erupted around Boris Johnson and other members of the government who were caught organizing parties during the lockdown in 2020. This fact was revealed thanks to a journalistic investigation, the results of which were published in December 2021.

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