May 12, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Will the elections be “legitimate” after X. Tsanerikos announced an attempt to seize power

After the latest statements by the former vice-president of the Supreme Court X. Tzanerikos that he was approached by “government agents” and asked to “help to exclude the party of Kassidiaris from the elections in exchange for a position in the authorities”, a serious question arose whether the “legitimate” elections to be held May 21.

Retired Vice President of the Supreme Court Christos Tsanerikos said that government officials asked him to “exclude the party of Ilias Kasidiaris from the elections in exchange for his possible use in positions of power”! On this basis, the Greek party will be able to apply to the European Court and even prevent the holding of the second round of elections, but in any case, this will cast doubt on the result of the first round of elections if the Greek parties are finally banned from participating in them. Because parliamentary elections with seven possible parties it is one thing, and with six it is another. This is simple mathematics.

It should be emphasized here that the Greek party is poaching the electorate ND, not SYRIZA. A simple question arises: will the prosecutor intervene? This is a very serious complaint, which means that there must be an intervention of the judiciary. As for the European Court, yesterday the former minister and constitutional expert E. Venizelos said:

The government amendment does not suffer from unconstitutionality, but let me say that the issue is not constitutionality or unconstitutionality, but more generally the security of our choice, in legislative measures. Events are checked not only for their constitutionality, but possibly also for their possible conflict with the European Convention on Human Rights. The brunt of the people’s European court will fall on him, but some of the arguments that are publicly presented and some of the facts that are currently recorded in public life will be used by Mr. Kanellopoulos or anyone else interested. So this will give an opportunity to annul the elections by filing an appeal to the highest special court, the electoral court and the European Court of Human Rights between the first and possibly the second elections.”.

But now we are not talking about judicial judgments and interpretations. We have a clear complaint from the former Chief Justice that he was asked to exclude the party from the electoral process in exchange for the position of independent authorities!

Now there is evidence of direct interference that will affect the outcome of the election. Now the appeal to the European Court may well pass.

PS There are certain doubts that, in the event of the final exclusion of the “Greeks” party from the electoral process, the European Commission will be so outraged by this fact that they will announce an obstruction to Mitsotakis. After all, he is an extremely convenient leader of Greece for the leaders of the European Union. Mitsotakis is also convenient for curators from the United States, where he is supported in every possible way and turns a blind eye to his many “tricks”.

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